Friday, October 21, 2016


In our constant search for political edification, your often competent editors here at The Forest sought to better understand the mindset of our colleagues in the media who, despite many difficulties and obstacles, persist in their brave roles as supporters and explainers of presidential candidate Donald Trump.

To that end, those of them who read courteously made their favorite books available to us.  We here share with you some of that distinguished body of works.

Imago Munda
Possibly the first known map of Earth, this 7th century BC Babylonian work demonstrates that the earth is flat, a basic tenet reaffirmed over centuries with countless treatises, proclamations and more advanced, highly detailed maps.

Editor's Note: Later works debunked this theory, depicting Earth as an inverted bowl.

This historic classic by the 2nd century Greek mathematician Ptolemy - shown here in a 1515 AD Latin edition - outlines how the Earth remains stationary at the center of the universe as the sun and stars move about it.  A primary text found in most supporter libraries and on nightstands.

See appendix for how planets occasionally pause and move backwards.

Galileo Inquisition Minutes
Partial transcript of Galileo Galilei's trial for heresy following the infamous Italian astronomer's refutation of the above beliefs.  Also documents his guilt for expounding the tenet that scientific observation should play a primary role in understanding the world.

De Motu
Irish bishop George Berkeley's firm rejection of Isaac Newton's laws of time, space and motion.  Makes clear that gravity and motion are occult, not physical qualities and are created by minds. For advanced readers only.

The Genesis of Species
George Mivart's scholarly refutation of Charles Darin's contemporaneous Origin of Species. Complete with handsome engravings.

Blueprints of Maginot Line
Detail famous fortifications built at cost of billions in today's dollars to protect France along its border with Germany. A truly visionary plan completed despite resistance from elitists who claimed that the German Army had previously flanked that border by invading Belgium in an earlier war.

Social Cannonball Model
Application of thermodynamics to leadership. First put to words in Scottish physicist Balfour Stewart’s The Place of Life in a Universe of Energy:

“When a man pursues his course undaunted by opposition, unappalled by obstacles, he is said to be a very energetic man. By his energy, we mean the power which he possesses of overcoming obstacles; and the amount of his energy is measured by the amount of obstacles which he can overcome, by the amount of work which he can do. Such a man may in truth be regarded as a social cannon-ball. By means of his energy of character he will scatter the ranks of his opponents and demolish their ramparts. 

Nevertheless such a man will sometimes be defeated by an opponent who does not possess a tithe of his personal energy. Now, why is this? The reason is that, although his opponent may be deficient in personal energy, yet he may possess more than an equivalent in the high position which he occupies, and it is simply this position that enables him to combat successfully with a man of much greater personal energy than himself.

If two men throw stones at one another, one of whom stands on the top of a house and the other at the bottom, the man at the top of the house has evidently the advantage. So in like manner, if two men of equal personal energy contend together, the one who has the highest social position has the best chance of succeeding. But this high position means energy under another form. It means that at some remote period a vast amount of personal energy was expended in raising the family into this high position. The founder of the family had doubtless greater energy than his fellow-men, and spent it in raising himself and his family into a position of advantage.

Often found with fresh highlighting of specific text.

Final note: We have engaged highly competent interns to fully examine these works and provide possibly incomprehensible summaries for us to examine further during recesses in our ongoing libel and slander suits.

-- Your Editors