Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Future residents

of hell!

KryBaby KAV. Faced with highly credible evidence of criminal assault, this guy whimpered his way to Senate confirmation.  As any bad child should know, crying and whining can only lead to a bad end.  Which, by the way, is the region of the body where Bratty Brett will one day feel the heat.

Ice Queen Coney.  Having an actual heart is no guarantee of avoiding banishment to the basement, but it couldn’t hurt. Unfortunately, Cool Coney lost hers somewhere on the way to exiting Momma’s womb. (Likely in a hurry because she has no respect for them.) Arrivederci, Amy.

Kneeling Gorsuch.  Sorry, Neil. Maybe the guys who stole your seat for you should be down here instead (No worries. You’ll see them, regardless.), but that’s not taking heat off you. And News Flash!  Ruling on the side of lethal injections and bump stocks, gets you nowhere but downstairs. So stop praying for mercy and face the flames.

Undoubting Thomas.  Lied at his confirmation, struggled mightily to do no good since. The guy who actually believes in very little except his own infallibility will have no trouble affirming the fact that, no matter how he’d like to rule on it, Hell hurts.  Sorry, the vote to send you to the coals was not even close, Clarence.

Alito Alight. The clear and present danger of “Bad Tony” is that he’s actually intelligent.  Unfortunately, last we looked, there’s no way to con your way out of a conflagration.  And being the smartest guy in the room doesn’t count for much when all of Lower Earth is on fire.  Sayonara, Sammie.

Johnny Hot Cakes. Oh, man did this one hurt!   Say it ain’t so, Mr. Roberts. Just when we started to believe you might offer some sanity in our troubled times, you forced the Big Guy up top to send you down. You can’t “nice guy” your way out of this one. But, even so, maybe we’ll let you off with just Purgatory, where not having a permanent seat is probably good for you.

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