Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rare holiday gifts!!!


Through our exhaustive research of ongoing social phenomena, The Forest has uncovered a trove of extraordinary items for this gift-giving season.  Bestow them generously to enrage those pesky right-wing relatives, to provide your liberal pals a well-deserved holiday chortle, or just to annoy people.

Neo-Conservative Discourses on Logic & Ethics 
This weighty tome of empty pages comes richly bound in faux-evidence and makes a handsome addition to any pre-Enlightenment library.  Also available in a special three-volume Collector's Edition, including The Old Testament Guide to Child Rearing and a full atlas of Ptolemy's maps.  Hard bound only.
- $6,563.00

This unjust dessert honoring the Senate Minority Leader is generally half-baked and frosts easily on any occasion. Primarily sour dough, but stuffed with rich Kentucky Pork. Available in no flavors.
- $2.99

Rob Ford Getaway  

Everyone’s favorite mayor is your unwitting host to three fun-filled days in the exciting Toronto suburbs and two frightening nights in the crack house of his choice.  Enjoy a special unlimited liquor welcoming package and unfriendly news conference.  Generous taxicab voucher pack is included because you won't be allowed to rent a car.

- $1289.65

Newt Figs   
Tough-skinned and chock full of stuff guaranteed to get caught between your teeth, these pithy paeans to the former House Speaker continue to make their frequent appearances –whether anyone wants them around or not.  Best stewed or served in pudding. 
- $.09 apiece

Kardashian Gift Wrap  

The penultimate flimsy sheath of no known purpose comes with a generous coating of shimmering glitter and gloss and generously folds around any size package for a short time.  Readily available for any taping session, but guaranteed not to stick to much. Warning: can prove to be large volume of trash at the end of the day.
- $5,000,000 for 25 sq. ft. roll

Red State Health Insurance Policy  

Treat your lifelong friends and enemies to coverage free of any shameful government support or job-killing universal enrollment.  State-of-the art exclusions and risk pool management guarantee the insurer of your choice will remain highly profitable in order to provide the quality service you think you'll get. Apply today for one of these premium-rich coverages. Or, avoid the messy paperwork and just sign your 401k over directly to your favorite health care conglomerate.  Not available in some states by law.
- Call for quote

Ted Cruz Day Planner  

Comes already filled with day upon day of obstructionist events.  Includes a newsworthy quote of the hour and daily “Laff Riot” cartoon of the quirky, lovable senator from Texas up to his usual high jinks.  (Dec. 31/ Jan. 1, for instance, depict the rascally freshman kicking the infirm 2013 Oldster into the street and throwing the 2014 Baby under a bus!!) Special Appendix provides extensive suggestions of things to loath in case your dysfunctional gift recipient runs out of ideas.

Tea Party Sampler  

Your friends and right-minded associates will quickly warm to this delightful assortment of hot water additives, including:  Orange-You- Sick-of-Obama, Green Envy, Black Outlook,  Deport the Darjeelings and Earl No Gray Areas.  Caution: free of stimulants, but can be habit-forming even when against the user’s self interest.

- $200.00  

Fox Booze  

The ultra-potent potable: induces stupefying loss of equilibrium even in small doses. And fast acting!  Guzzlers of this grog can speed right past any frivolous mirth and good cheer and proceed directly to being sick and depressed.  No ID required.

- $12.99

The Boehner Bobo  

Your negativity-addicted acquaintances will thrill at this energy-saving avatar of the House Speaker. It's guaranteed to automatically pop up on their behalf and say "no" to just about everything. Fully inflatable.
- FREE with any purchase

Why delay?  You can order any of these fine gifts directly from The Forest.  Send your cash, cashier’s check, or credit card information, including current billing address and the security code on the back of the card, to:

The Forest’s Rare and Incredible Gifts
P.O. Box 10101010
Suitcase, NE 101010-1010

The Forest makes no representations as to the worth of any of these products.

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